Equity by Design (Rewired Digital Health) + a stall in the main hall (18 & 19 March)
Digital Boards: Managing Supplier Relationships (NHS Providers webinar, 3 December)
Introducing user-centred design - speaker at the South London Partnership Improvement & Innovation conference (28 November)
Improving innovation in health - panel chair Integrated Care Delivery Forum (6 November)
User-centred design for nursing - workshop at Nursing Times conference (6 November)
Equity in mental health hackathon - co-facilitator at Validitron, University of Melbourne (10 October)
Equity by Design - talk at Orygen, Melbourne (9 October)
Digital storytelling: refugees & asylum seekers - workshop at Include+ conference (20 September)
How can we improve equity in digital health? - panel member (2 July)
Value of user-centred design - Embracing Innovation in the NHS (20 June)
How do we drive out discrimination to deliver a system for all? - panel chair at Integrated Care Delivery Forum (9 May)
Digital Equity & Inclusion - panel chair at Rewired (13 March)
Clinical Impact of a Cyber Security Incident - panel chair at Rewired (12 March)
HTN Women’s Health webinar - panel member (8 March)
User-centred design in health lecture - University of Oxford Human Computer Interaction MA (26 February)
Minister for the Future - Healthcare in a Modern Age. Panel member with Dame Sally Davies (28 November)
Design and systems thinking in digital transformation. Solent NHS Trust, Digital Expo. (4 October)
Leadership & digital panel member. HETT (26 September)
Empowering Innovation: Unleashing User-Centred Design Workshop - Solent Health NHS Trust (21 September)
User-centred design workshop. Digital Academy. HETT (27 September)
NHS England Insight Day: Human Factors in Digital Transformation. (15 May)
Special Symposium with Dr Victoria Betton - Orygen’s Suicide Prevention Research Unit and the Centre for Mental Health. University of Melbourne (4 April)
CDTH Special Seminar Series: Learnings, interests and approaches to human factors and navigating healthcare system complexities - Centre for Digital Transformation of Health. University of Melbourne (3 April)
User-centred design – Shared Care Record Summit (20 March)
EPR optimisation – talk at Rewired (14 & 15 March)
Human-Centred design - talk at Rewired (14 & 15 March)
User-centred design in digital transformation - Digital Health & Wellness Summit, Mobile World Congress (27 February)
P4SY Showcase & MedTech Conference keynote (23 November)
Women in digital transformation: the missed opportunity for the NHS (9 November) – panel member
NHS Providers – Tim Ferris & EPR optimisation chair (2 November)
Lessons from the field: where can user centred design mindsets and methods positively or negatively disrupt NHS changes approaches in digital transformation? Design in Government (28-30 September)
Advancing digital health through Diversity and Inclusion – co-chair for this PIVOT Health live LinkedIn event (3 May)
Digital Health Reading and Research Group (DHRRG) guest speaker to discuss my new book, Towards a Digital Ecology: NHS Digital Adoption through the Covid-19 Looking Glass (29 March)
Towards a Digital Ecology book launch (14 March)
User-centred design – (interview with CHIME (19 January)
AI validation & how a group of NHS Trusts are developing an offer to AI companies – AI World Congress (15 November)
Making the business case for user-centred design – HETT (28 September)
techUK Industry Briefing with the Scottish Government interview (24 September)
Fireside Chat: Digital Transformation in The NHS – The AI Summit (23 September)
Digital Boards: Delivering the Digital Agenda at System Level – panel chair (16 September)
Digital Boards: Digital Inclusion Panel Discussion – NHS Providers (18 June)
Cradle to Grave – HealthTech to the rescue? – Humanity Rising (3 June)
Digital Health World Congress – Towards a digital ecology (30 March)
Our Digital Health – Humanity Rising (18 March)
GIANT Health – healthy innovators Live TV show panel member (16 February)
PitchIn webinar series – panel chair for a series of four webinars exploring collaboration between industry, academia and the NHS (January & February)
User-centred design – Shared Care Record Summit (20 March)
EPR optimisation – talk at Rewired (14 & 15 March)
User-centred design in digital transformation at Digital Health & Wellness Summit, Mobile World Congress (27 February)
MindTech2020: Digital Mental Health in the Age of Covid-19 panel chair (2&3 December)
Personal health records and their role/utility in the pandemic Digital Health World Congress (26 November)
Reset2020 – presentation on Teen Mental Health in an Online World (17 November)
#EvaluateDigiHealth: Generating evidence for digital health – no magic bullets (21 October)
Tackling Mental Health Challenges Amongst Young People: Finding digital solutions panel member (14 September)
Digital Inclusion and accessible design in healthcare panel member (5 August)
BC Insights – Healthtech & Covid-19 panel member (20 May)
COVID-19: How Yorkshire’s Tech Hub Cluster is Responding panel chair for Tech UK (28 April)
Building a Product With a Tech Partner: A Guide for Startups – lunch and learn with the Health Foundry (9 April)
Revisiting the Tech UK Interoperability Charter: how far have we come? panel member at Rewired 2020 (4 March)
Recent Developments in AI and Digital Health Royal Society of Medicine (24 February)
LSX World Congress panel member (5 February)
Managing and mitigating complexity in digital health MindTech Symposim (5 December)
Digital Health World Congress (28 November)
Digital Tech in Mental Health Services – keynote (27 November)
Digital mental health – embracing possibilities and avoiding sinkholes Faculty of Rehabilitation and Social Psychiatry Annual Conference (22 November)
Sunday Times Growth Summit – panel member (7 November)
Teen mental health in an online world CAMHS.Digital, University of Manchester (25 September)
Engaging the citizen: how can digital change the citizen experience of health? panel member at NHS Expo (4 September)
Digital health and the NHS – what companies need to know and how mHabitat & Co>Space North can help Dept International Trade pre-NHS Expo event (3 September)
National Citizenship Service graduation ceremony keynote in Leeds (7 September)
Mental health online talk and workshop at the Bradford Literature Festival (6 July)
Bad Tech and what we can do about it – keynote for the launch of the Human Behaviour and Experience Network of the Dyson School of Design Engineering at Imperial College (20 June)
HIMSS & Health 2.0 European Conference (11-13 June)
Kings Fund International Digital Health and Care Congress – NASSS Framework with Professor Trish Greenhalgh (22-23 May)
Challenge 2020:Engagement and Experience – hearing the seldom heard (21 May)
4th Symposium on Computing and Mental Health – keynote (4 May)
HSJ Digital Transformation Summit (10 April)
HIMSS Europe – bringing hospitals and patients together through information and technology (2 April)
Teen Mental Health in an Online World – book talk (28 March)
Technology in Community Nursing (19 March)
Internet Society for Research on Internet Interventions – Teen Mental Health in an Online World (13-15 February)
Youth Mental Health in a Digital Age symposium – Teen Mental Health in an Online World (7 February)
Prevention with digital technologies: expanding the possibilities for better mental health – eMen (24 January)
Grow Medtech Launch – keynote (22 November)
Managing Digital Change in Health and Care (22 November)
Teen Mental Health in an Online world – book launch with One Health Tech (14 November)
HIMSS Executive Leadership Summit – Patient access to data (13 November)
Teen Mental Health in an Online World – guest lecture at Uni of Cumbria (24 October)
WHINN – Week of Health Innovation – Social factors in digital health (9-11 October)
Digital Health in the North ecosystem meet up (26 September)
Health & Care Innovation Expo – Understanding the digital innovation landscape (6 September)
TEAM (Technology Enabled Mental Health) Summer School (20 June)
NHS England Sustainability Masterclass (13 June)
HIMSS Europe 18 (28 May)
UK eHealth Week – Co-design in Digital Health (16 May)
One Health Tech – Leeds Digital Festival (26 April)
HIMSS 2018– no patient left behind (7 March)
House of Commons – Mental Health Foundation & BPS event (17 January)
GIANT Health Event – People Drive Digital #PDDigital17 (30 November)
Health Insights – Leeds (14 November)
The Second National Mental Health Summit Dublin (9 November)
Association for the Study of Obesity Regional Meeting (11 October)
eMEN e-mental health implementation seminar (11 July)
Digital Healthcare – the future of healthcare is here (28-29 June)
Techsharing seminar series – codesing in digital health (23 June)
UK e-Health Week (3-4 May)
Equity and e-mental health – can digital technology help us achieve good mental health for all? (28 April)
Co-creation in design of digital services in the United Kingdom at Going all digital: making it happen for health (16 March)
Digital mental health: waiting for the great leap forward (15 March)
The adoption challenge in the NHS workshop at YHAHSN Digital Health and Wellbeing Ecosystem (13 March)
Health Tech North (1 March)
Why tomorrow’s patient needs a digital NHS DigitalHealth.London (22 February)
How to get your innovations adopted by the NHS – lunch and learn at the Health Foundry (21 February)
Nursing Leadership Improving Quality Care Conference (4 November)
Being Human User Centred Design conference (14 & 15 October)
#FutureMe2026 HealthWatch Leeds (13 July)
NHS England – Transforming Mental Health: The Future’s Digital (8 July)
NHS Employers social media conference (16 May)
100% Digital Leeds: Making Leeds a Digitally Literate City (23 May)
Health 2.0 Barcelona (10-12 May 2016)
Co-design & Digital Innovation in Health – Innovations Champion Network (21 April)
Health Tech Women Northern Chapter launch (13 April)
Department of Health Policy School (3 March)
Guest lecture to MA students within the School of Healthcare at the University of Leeds (3 February)
Connected Healthcare (21 January)
Digital Health World Forum (8 December)
MindTech annual Symposium – Harnessing the Digital Revolution (3 December
2nd summit- new technologies and mental health – future-possibilities (17 September)
Commissioning for Technology Enabled Care TSA & NHS England (16 September)
e-patients conference Queens University Belfast PhD research presentation (11 & 12 September)
Future Healthcare Technology Conference NHS North East Leadership Academy (10 September)
Health and Care Innovation Expo people-driven digital health and wellbeing (2 & 3 September)
Local Government Association annual conference breakout session on big data and digital (30 June)
Digital Health and Care Congress – King’s Fund presentation on supporting digital literacy of health and social care staff (16 & 17 June)
People Driven Digital Health & Wellbeing with mHealthHabitat (13 & 14 May)
Making digital and data open to everyone for Leaders for Leeds (20 April)
Voice of Leeds Summit to tackle the digital divide (26 March)
Guest lecture to MA students within the School of Design at the University of Leeds (4 March)
Guest lecture to MA students within the School of Healthcare at the University of Leeds (25 February)
Social Media Lounge: Bridge the Gap with the N11WW team at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (30 January)
Social Media Analysis and Mental Health: putting people at the centre of human data with with Centre for Advanced Studies at the University of Nottingham (15 January)
Sexual Health in a Digital Age workshop withmHealthHabitat and the University of Leeds (12 January)
Mindtech 2014 National Symposium (24 November)
Too Much Information. Ignite! at the Being Human Festival – presentation on my PhD research (15 November)
Health 2.0 Europe 2014 tracker session on citizen-driven health co-chaired with Mark Brown (10-12 November)
Techno Therapies – A showcase of technologies for mental health & well-being with the Centre for Assistive Techology and Connected Healthcare on (6 November)
EHI Live 2014 presentations on social media in the NHS (4-5 November)
The Future’s Digital: Mental Health and Technology with the Mental Health Network of the NHS Confederation (25 September)
King’s Fund International Digital Health and Care Congress presentations on my PhD research and the mHealthHabitat programme (10-12 September)
Health in Numbers – open data in healthcare presntation on the mHealthHabitat (3 July)
UK Health Informatics Forum panel member (2 July)
Communication Technology and Social Media: Ethical Challenges for Health and Social Care UK Clinical Ethics Network Annual Conference (16-17 June)
International Mental Health Leadership Exchange workshop on digital in mental health with Mark Brown (12 June)
Social Media and Digital Inclusion with MES (22 May)
TSA Annual General Meeting workshop on digital in health (22 May)
National CPAA event: Recovery – do we see people see potential? presentation with Sue Sibbald on social media and mental health (4 April)
NIHR Mental Health Research Network presentation on my PhD research and mHealthHabitat (6 March)
Health and Care Innovation Expo presentation and workshop on social media in health (4 March)
Social Media in Healthcare conference with Inside Government (12 February)